Oh! Pebbles/아!조약돌


Oh! Pebbles/아!조약돌

Tom Jacques and Eunsil Noh met recently on Tom’s first trip to South Korea. Their meeting was marked by instant musical chemistry and camaraderie. Their duo project, Oh ! Pebbles, consists of their complimentary singular practices in musical improvisation. Their sound centers on fusing minimalistic noise coming from mundane objects triggered by vibrating mini-motors and the re-actualisation of the storied history of voice art in the Pansori tradition. This combination, often supported by harmonium drones, leads to a theatrical, mysterious and enveloping live performance experience, aiming to create visceral reactions for the audience.

노은실 Eunsil Noh - Voix et harmonium
Tom Jacques : Objets

Illustration : Cecilia torres
Graphisme : Marie-Pierre Morin

Mixage sonore : Michel F côté

Enregistré par 인충진 au studio 레드콘 음악 창작소 à 전주 한국

Label : Tour de Bras et Circum